Cover art for Online Development Communication

Online Development Communication (DCS 223) – Course Outline


This course delves into the intricate relationship between communication strategies and digital platforms within the realm of development initiatives. It offers comprehensive exploration of the dynamic landscape of online communication for social change, community development, and global impact.


  • Comprehensive understanding of the theories of development communication
  • Mastery of digital media landscape
  • Strategic planning and goal-setting
  • Content creation and multimedia storytelling
  • Community building and Engagement
  • Impact evaluation and continuous improvement
  • Ethical considerations in online development communication

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • demonstrate a deep understanding of two development communication theories
  • know how to formulate clear communication objectives and goals aligned with development outcomes
  • exhibit proficiency in utilizing one digital platform for effective communication strategies
  • produce engaging and persuasive content tailored for at least two online platforms
  • identify and address two ethical considerations related to privacy, security, and cultural sensitivities in online communication.

Course Content

S/NOUnitsOther Details
1Foundations of Development Communication
The role of communication in development
Historical perspectives and theoretical frameworks of Dev Comm.  
2Digital Media Landscape
Digital tools and platforms
Social media dynamics, trends, and their influence on development initiatives  
3Strategic planning for online development communication
Needs assessmentAudience analysis
Establishing communication objectives and goals
Developing a communication plan
Continuous Assessment I – Class Quiz & Active Participation
4Creating Compelling Content
Multimedia StorytellingVisual design
5Community Engagement and Participation
Building online communities
Facilitating dialogue, collaboration, and community-driven initiatives
6Evaluating Impact and Monitoring Progress
Metrics and Analytics
Evaluation and Continuous Improvement  
Continuous Assessment II – LIVE Discussion
7Ethical Considerations in Online Development Communication
Navigating privacy, security, and ethical challenges of digital communication
Fostering inclusivity and addressing cultural sensitivities
Continuous Assessment III – Reflective Essays on learned concepts
8Case Studies and Practical Applications
Real-world examplesGroup projects

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